Lecture at Briscoe
Dr. Don Carleton and Ivan before the screening of Lest We Not Forget, Statues of Limitations

Firefighter's Memorial Cancellation Letter
The cancellation letter from Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scopetta after the Firefighter’s Memorial controversy in January 2002.
StudioEIS Documents for the Briscoe Center
Forensic Washington for George Washington’s Mount Vernon
Larry King and Julie Nixon
Larry King and Julie Nixon at th Hall of World Leaders, Nixon Library, Yorba Linda, CA

Ray Smock at the National Constitution Center for CSPAN
Historian Ray Smock, a great friend of StudioEIS, was the former historian for the U.S. House of Representatives
Exhibiton at the Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, PA

San Francisco 49ers Hall of Fame Opening
Y.A. Tittle with the Million Dollar Backfield
Photo-SF 49ers

King George III Statue
Reference for our King George III statue for the Museum of the American Revolution