September 18, 2016 - Features StudioEIS’ large reverse mask for George Washington’s Mount Vernon

Horn, Kelso, Owsley and Straube-Outlines the StudioEIS forensic reconstruction collaboration with the Smithsonian

This fascinating book outlines the StudioEIS forensic reconstructions for the National Museum of Natural History

This book tells the story of the amazing forensic reconstruction of three George Washington sculptures for Mount Vernon.

USPS Stamp featuring our project for the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN

Stamp commerating the 1960 lunch counter sit-in. First day of issue August 30, 2005. National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis, TN

This book features the work of StudioEIS for the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN

May 16, 2008- Documenting our life casting of Felix Trinidad and Ivan Calderon for Del Museum Del Deporte, Guaynabo, PR.